Organ Hunting in West Sweden
A Documentation Project by
Göteborg International Organ Academy
During 2019-2021, the Organ Academy carried out the project Swedish 18th century organs, which presents a selection of Sweden’s best-preserved organs from the 18th century in an open database. As a follow-up to this project, Organ Hunting in West Sweden is now launched, where each instrument is presented with newly recorded video and audio documentation, music examples by and with the organist Sietze de Vries from Groningen in the Netherlands and presentations with organ consultant Jan H Börjesson.
Sweden boasts an internationally unique treasure of preserved organs. These constitute an important, but relatively unknown cultural heritage. The project aims to make this cultural heritage accessible via audio files and video walk-throughs of the organs.
The overall goal of the project is to publish on the internet an openly available set of presentations of a selection of West Swedish organs in Västra Götaland, where the instruments are presented with sound and moving images. The project is a part of West Sweden Organ Vision and made possible by a grant from the Västra Götaland region.
Project Overview
Part 1. Pehr Zacharias Strand 1826 – Stafsinge Church
Part 2. Thorsell & Erikson 1899 – Vinberg Church
Part 3. Eskil Lundén 1917 – Lysekil Church
Part 4. Hans Brebos 1604 – Morlanda Church
Part 5. Salomon Molander 1874 – Norra Vånga Church
Part 6. Pehr Schiörlin 1783 – Jonsered Church
Part 7. The Söderling brothers 1868 – Backa Church
Part 8. The Söderling brothers 1846 – Skummeslöv Church
Part 1
Pehr Zacharias Strand 1826 - Stafsinge Church
The organ in Stafsinge church, Halland, was first built for Christinae Church's German congregation in Gothenburg in 1788 by Johan Everhardt Senior from Skara. Thorough rebuild by Per Zacharias Strand 1826, sold to Stafsinge parish 1864, thorough rebuild by Salomon Molander 1896, rebuild by Magnusson's organ factory 1927, renovation by H Lindegren 1936, restoration by Magnussons Orgelbyggeri AB 1976, and restoration by Ålem's organ workshop 2017
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
English subtitles by Sverker Jullander
Photo Gallery Stafsinge Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Pehr Zacharias Strand 1826 - Stafsinge Church
Stafsinge Church
Part 2
Thorsell & Erikson 1899 - Vinberg Church
The organ in Vinberg church, Halland, was built in 1899 by Thorsell & Erikson.
Specification changed by Tostareds kyrkorgelfabrik 1964.
Restored to original state by Ålems Orgelverkstad 2004.
Man I: Borduna 16´, Principal 8´, Dubbelflöjt 8´, Gamba 8´, Oktava 4´, Flûte harmonique 4´, Oktava 2´, Trumpet 8´
Man II: Violinprincipal 8´, Rörflöjt 8´, Salicional 8´, Flûte octaviante 4´,
Pedal: Subbas 16´, Violoncelle 8´, Oktava 4´, Basun 16´
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
English subtitles by Sverker Jullander
Photo Gallery Vinberg Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Thorsell & Erikson 1899 - Vinberg Church
Part 3
Eskil Lundén 1917 - Lysekil Church
Built in 1917 by Eskil Lundén, Gothenburg.The façade was built by Salomon Molander in 1901 and originally housed the Molander organ from the old church.
Many parts were reused in 1917.
New specifikation in 1959 by Lindegrens Orgelbyggeri.
Restored to original state in 2016 by Tostareds Kyrkorgelfabrik.Man I: Principal 16' (1917/2016) Borduna 16' Principal 8' Gamba 8' (1917/2016) Dolce 8' Flûte Harmonique 8' Gedakt 8' Oktava 4' Rörflöjt 4' Oktava 2' Cornett 4 ch Trumpet 16' (2016) Trumpet 8'
Man II: Gedakt 16' Vox Retusa 8' Konsertflöjt 8' Rörflöjt 8' Violin 8' (1917/2016) Salicional 8' Voix Celeste 8' (1917/2016) Principal 4' Flûte Octaviante 4' Waldflöjt 2' (2016) Corno 8' (2016) Euphone 8'
Pedal: Violon 16' Subbas 16' Kvinta 10 2/3' Violoncell 8' (1917/2016) Borduna 8' Oktava 4' Basun 16'
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
English subtitles by Sverker Jullander
Photo Gallery Lysekil Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Eskil Lundén 1917 - Lysekil Church
Part 4
Hans Brebos 1604 - Morlanda Church
Thoroughly rebuilt in 1715 by Elias Wittig, Gothenburg.
New specification in 1734 by Johan Niclas Cahman.
New specification in 1786 by Jacob Aschling.
Sold in 1804 to Abraham Bildt on Morlanda estate and installed in Morlanda Church by Olof Schwan, with some of the specification changed.
Restored in 1953 by Nils Hammarberg.
Restored 1999-2001 by GoArt.
Manual CDEFGA - c3 45
PRINCIPAL 8 fot. Disk.
GEDACHT 8 fot.
FLÖGT 4 fot.
QVINTA 3 fot.
OCTAVA 2 fot.
RÖR FLÖGT 1 fot. Bas
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
English subtitles by Sverker Jullander
Photo Gallery Morlanda Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Hans Brebos 1604 - Morlanda Church
Part 5
Salomon Molander 1874 - Norra Vånga Church
Organ built in 1879 by Salomon Molander, Göteborg.
Restored in 1994 by Ålems Orgelverkstad.
Manual I C - f
Principal 16 Fot. Dis:
Bourdun: 16 Fot.
Principal 8 Fot.
Fl.Harm. 8 Fot.
Fugara 8 Fot.
Octava 4 Fot.
Qvinta 3 Fot.
Octava 2 Fot.
Trumpet 8 Fot.
Manual II C - f3 (54 keys)
Rörflöjt 8 Fot.
Vox Retu: 8 Fot.
Salicional 8 Fot.
Fleut Octav. 4 Fot.
Pedal C - d1
Subbas 16 Fot.
Violon 8 Fot.
Octava 4 Fot.
Basun 16 Fot.Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
English subtitles by Sverker Jullander
Photo Gallery Norra Vånga Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Salomon Molander 1879 - Norra Vånga Church
Part 6
Pehr Schiörlin 1783 - Jonsered Church
Organ built in 1783 by Pehr Schiörlin.
Sold to Jonsered Church and installed there in 1868.
Renovated in 1950 by Nils Hammarberg.
Pipe work restored in 1992 by Herwin Troje.
Renovated in 2012 by Bergenblad & Jonsson. Console restored, new bellows installed and the organ was partially given new mechanics.
Manual C-f³ Pedal C-g° (-a°?)
Principal 8', D (fasad) bihängd
Gedackt 8'
Principal 4’, B/D (fasad)
Spetsflöjt 4'
Rörflöjt 4'
Qvinta 3' (eg. 2 2/3')
Oktava 2'
Trumpet 8', B/D
Vox humana (eller Vox virginea) 8', D
Manual C-f³ Pedal C-c¹
Principal 8', D (fasad) bihängd
Gedackt 8'
Principal 4’, B/D (fasad)
Spetsflöjt 4'
Rörflöjt 4'
Qvinta 3' (eg. 2 2/3')
Oktava 2'
Trumpet 8', B/D
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
Photo Gallery Jonsered Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Pehr Schiörlin 1783 - Jonsered church
Part 7
The Söderling brothers 1868 - Backa Church
Organ built in 1868 by the Söderling brothers in Göteborg.
New organ in 1943 by Hammarbergs Orgelbyggeri. Extensive reuse of original pipework.
Reconstructed and extended in 1994 by Åkerman & Lund Orgelbyggeri.
Manual I C - f3 (54)
Princip. 16 Fot D 1868
Bordun. 16 Fot 1868/1994
Princip. 8 Fot 1868
Viola di Gamb. 8 Fot 1868
Dubbelflöjt 8 Fot 1994
Octava 4 Fot 1868
Spetsflöjt 4 Fot 1868
Cornet 2 chor D 1868/1994
Cornet 1 chor från c0
Scharf 3 chor 1994
Trumpet 8 Fot 1994
Manual II C - f3 (54)
Gedakt 16 Fot fr c0 1868
Vox Retusa 8 Fot fr c0 1868
Fugara 8 Fot 1868
Fl. Amab. 8 Fot 1994
Princip. 4 Fot 1994
Fl. Oktav. 4 Fot 1868/1994
Fl. Pecula 2 Fot 1994
Scharf 2 chor 1994
Clarinette 8 Fot 1994
Pedal C - f1 (30)
Violon 16 Fot 1994
Subbas 16 Fot 1868
Violoncelle 8 Fot 1994
Gedakt 8 Fot 1868/1994
Octava 4 Fot 1868/1994
Basun 16 Fot 1994
Trumpet 8 Fot 1994Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
Photo Gallery Backa Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
The Söderling brothers 1868 - Backa kyrka
Part 8
The Söderling brothers 1846 - Skummeslöv Church
Organ built in 1846 by the Söderling brothers, Gothenburg
New organ in 1937 by Th. Frobenius og Sønner Orgelbyggeri A/S.
Most of the older parts were reused.
Reconstructed in 1992 by Ålems Orgelverkstad AB
Principal 8’
Fugara 8’
Gedackt 8’
Octava 4’
Fleut 4’
Qvinta 3’
Octava 2’
Trumpet 8’
Subbas 16’
Violon 8’
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
Photo Gallery Skummeslöv Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
The Söderling brothers 1846 - Skummeslöv Church
Part 9
Salomon Molander 1890 - Årstad Church
Organ built in 1890 by Salomon Molander, Gothenburg
New specification in 1936 by Bo Wedrup
Restored to original condition in 1999 by Åkerman & Lund Orgelbyggeri
DISPOSITIONManual I C - f3 (54
Principal 16 fot från c0
Borduna 16 fot
Principal 8 fot
Gamba 8 fot
Flöjt Harmonik 8 fot
Octava 4 fot
Violin 4 fot
Qvinta 3 fot
Octava 2 fot
Trumpet 8 fot
Manual II C - f3 (54)
Wiolin Principal 8 fot
Rörflöjt 8 fot
Salicional 8 fot
Flöjt Harmonik 4 fot
Wallflöjt 2 fot
Pedal C - d1 (27)
Subas 16 fot
Qvinta 12 fot
Violoncell 8 fot
Octava 4 fot
Basun 16 fot
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
Photo Gallery Årstad Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Salomon Molander 1890 - Årstad Church
Part 10
Johannes Magnusson 1902 - Högsäter Church
Organ built in 1902 by Johannes Magnusson, Gothenburg
Repaired in 1984 by Magnussons Orgelbyggeri
1st Man. C - f3
Borduna 16 Fot
Principal 8 Fot
Gedakt 8 Fot
Gamba 8 Fot
Oktava 4 Fot
Oktava 2 Fot
Trumpet 8 Fot
2nd Man. C - f3
Violin-Principal 8 Fot
Rörflöjt 8 Fot
Salicional 8 Fot
Violin 8 Fot
Flöjt oktaviant 4 Fot
Swell pedal
Pedal C - d1
Pull down
Organ stop presentation and improvisation at the organ by Sietze de Vries
Conversation held in English
Organ consultant Jan H Börjesson shows the organ and tellls the story
Conversation held in Swedish
Photo Gallery Högsäter Church
Photos by Jon Liinason
Organ Inventory
Johannes Magnusson 1902 - Högsäter Church
Project Overview
Part 1. Pehr Zacharias Strand 1826 – Stafsinge Church
Part 2. Thorsell & Erikson 1899 – Vinberg Church
Part 3. Eskil Lundén 1917 – Lysekil Church
Part 4. Hans Brebos 1604 – Morlanda Church
Part 5. Salomon Molander 1874 – Norra Vånga Church
Part 6. Pehr Schiörlin 1783 – Jonsered Church
Part 7. The Söderling brothers 1868 – Backa Church
Part 8. The Söderling brothers 1846 – Skummeslöv Church
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