Addendum Programme Book 2024
(76 pages / 50 SEK)
(subject to change)
Friday, October 4, 2024
Göteborg Youth Organ Camp (9–15 years old)
(Admission fee 800 SEK)
(See separate programme and registration form in Swedish)
Kersten Cottyn, Stephen Craig, Camille Bloche, Lina Lindkvist, teachers
In collaboration with the Church of Sweden in Lidköping
(subject to change)
Friday, October 4, 2024
Göteborg Youth Organ Camp (9–15 years old)
(Admission fee 800 SEK)
(See separate programme and registration form in Swedish)
Kersten Cottyn, Stephen Craig, Camille Bloche, Lina Lindkvist, teachers
In collaboration with the Church of Sweden in Lidköping
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Göteborg Youth Organ Camp (9–15 years old)
(Admission fee 800 SEK)
(See separate programme and registration form in Swedish)
Kersten Cottyn, Stephen Craig, Camille Bloche, Lina Lindkvist, teachers
In collaboration with the Church of Sweden in Lidköping
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Göteborg Youth Organ Camp (9–15 years old)
(Admission fee 800 SEK)
(See separate programme and registration form in Swedish)
Kersten Cottyn, Stephen Craig, Camille Bloche, Lina Lindkvist, teachers
In collaboration with the Church of Sweden in Lidköping
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
(Admission free)
Tomaž Sevšek Šramel, organ
Le vent de l'Esprit
Regional Opening Concert of the Göteborg International Organ Festival 2024
Matthias Weckman (?1616–1674)
Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
- I. Versus
- II. Versus auff 2 Clavir
- III. Versus
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Pièce d’orgue in G, BWV 572, after J. G. Walther’s manuscript (ca. 1714)
Primož Ramovš (1921–1999)
Prelude and fugue (1951)
Nicolas de Grigny (1672–1703)
From Veni Creator Spiritus (in Premier livre d’orgue)
- Fugue à 5
César Franck (1822–1890)
Choral II in B minor, op. 39 (1890)
Olivier Messiaen (1908–1992)
Messe de la pentecôte (1949–50)
- IV. Communion (Les oiseaux et les sources)
- V. Sortie (Le vent de l'Esprit)
Kristinedal Church, Stenungsund
(Admission free, no pre-booking required)
(In Swedish)
Samuel Johansson, organ
Anna Ahnstedt, actor
Kersten Cottyn, harpsichord and portative organ
The Troubadour on an Adventure!
In a musical fairy tale, we follow the troubadour on a quest to rescue the prince from the dragon. During the journey, we are accompanied by organ, harpsichord, and other exciting instruments, and the children also get to make music.
Info: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
(Admission free)
A Journey from Baroque to Folk Music
Lukas Arvidsson, organ
Torbjörn Näsbom, nyckelharpa
The Morlanda organ
(Brebus 1604; Wittig 1715; GOArt 2001)
Sweden's oldest playable organ
Thursday, October 10, 2024
(Admission free)
A Musical Journey through Time
Organ students from the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
In collaboration with Borås Organ Festival
(Admission free)
A Journey of Musical Thoughts
Daniel Beilschmidt, organ
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Präludium und Fuge, D minor, op. 37 no. 3
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Präludium, C major (Perger Präludium, 1884)
Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, Variations on the Basso Continuo from J.S. Bach’s Cantata no. 12 and the Crucifixus from the B minor Mass
Arnold Schönberg (1874–1951)
Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, op. 19 (1911) (Arr: Pier Damiano Peretti)
- I. Leichte zarte Achtel
- II. Langsame Viertel
- III. Sehr langsame Viertel
- IV. Rasche, aber leichte Viertel
- V. Etwas rasche Viertel
- VI. Sehr langsame Viertel
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Ciaccona in D minor from Sonata in D minor for violin solo (arr: Pieter–Jan Belder)
Georg Trexler (1903–1979)
Toccata over a Theme from the Gloria of the Mass in E minor by Anton Bruckner (1949)
In collaboration with Borås Organ Festival
Friday, October 11, 2024
Friday October 11–Sunday October 13
(Separate programme for registered participants)
Göteborg Concert Hall, Academy of Music and Drama, Vasa Church
Göteborg Youth Organ Weekend (15–22 years old)
In collaboration with the Academy of Music and Drama, Hjo Folkhögskola, Sensus, OrganSpace and others.
(Admission free, registration required: svetla.tsvetkova@svenskakyrkan.se)
(In Swedish)
For school classes (grades F–3)
Samuel Johansson, organ
Anna Ahnstedt, actor
Kersten Cottyn, harpsichord and portative organ
The Troubadour on an Adventure!
In a musical fairy tale, we follow the troubadour on a quest to rescue the prince from the dragon. During the journey, we are accompanied by organ, harpsichord, and other exciting instruments, and the children also get to make music.
(Admission free, registration required: svetla.tsvetkova@svenskakyrkan.se)
(In Swedish)
For school classes (grades F–3)
Samuel Johansson, organ
Anna Ahnstedt, actor
Kersten Cottyn, harpsichord and portative organ
The Troubadour on an Adventure!
In a musical fairy tale, we follow the troubadour on a quest to rescue the prince from the dragon. During the journey, we are accompanied by organ, harpsichord, and other exciting instruments, and the children also get to make music.
(Admission free)
A Musical Journey through Time
Organ students from the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
(Admission free)
Göteborg International Organ Festival 2024
Welcome notes by representatives of the City of Göteborg, Region Västra Götaland, the University of Gothenburg, the ECHO Association (European Cities of Historical Cities), and the organ festival
Vocal ensemble from the Academy of Music and Drama under the direction of Per Högberg
Paula af Malmborg Ward (b. 1962)In Time (Fanfare for organ – commissioned by OrganSpace 2023)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
Composing a signature fanfare for the Queen of Instruments - who would say no to such a task?
The organ is an instrument in time; it has a long history and is constantly evolving. Each organist has an almost-infinite freedom to create their own worlds, their own expressions.
It goes without saying that a four-minute fanfare cannot contain all that the organ has to offer, but I hope that the themes and structures provided will encourage artistic imagination.
The title In Time has two meanings:The organ sounds in our time, with the music of our time.
The tempo, rhythm and timing lead the music.
I would like to quote my piano professor Gunnar Hallhagen, who used to wave me off after every piano lesson with the words: Have fun with the piece!
Thank you OrganSpace (Stockholm Organ Festival) for the commission, thank you organist Ligita Sneibe for fruitful collaboration and valuable technical support, and thank you Göteborg International Organ Festival 2024 for including it in the opening concert.
– Paula af Malmborg Ward
Indra Riše (b. 1961)Kalnā kāpējs/ Mountain Climber from Natura siderum (2023)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
The cycle NATURA SIDERUM or THE NATURE OF STARS, is a large-format work for organ and solo instruments, inspired by human psychological characteristics of the twelve zodiac signs. The solo instruments (violin, trumpet, and saxophone) have been selected to accompany the organ for the various signs, enhancing the characteristics of the respective zodiac sign.
The selected movement performed this evening is composed for organ solo. Capricorn (22/12 – 19/1): People born under the sign of Capricorn stand out with an incredible power of purpose and resistance to various types of life difficulties. There is no task with which this person would not cope.
Improvisation on ECHO
Edoardo Bellotti
Carl Unander-Scharin (b. 1964)Inventio Processionis (Myrstack som i dröm) from Suite Processionis (2021)
Johannes Skoog, organ
Toccata Processionis II (Staccato-fåglar) from Suite Processionis (2021)
Johannes Skoog and Ligita Sneibe, organ
(Admission free)
Festival reception at the City Hall for invited participants
Hosted by the city of Gothenburg
Gala festival concert
Journeys in Time and Space
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937)
Allegro from Symphony No. 6, Opus 42, No. 2
Hans Davidsson, Willis organ
Davidsson Organ and Dance Collaborative
Gusten Aldenklint (b. 1988)
The Casimir Force on Journeys of Ghosts
Pentatonic, electroacoustic, microtonal orchestration for the Ljudhavet acousmonium
Genelec Sounds system from EMS (Musikverket)
Low frequency delivered by Neotera Audio
Hymn Improvisation Journey
Sietze de Vries, Baroque organ
Isagel Suite from Aniara
Text: Harry Martinson, 1956
Music: Carl Unander-Scharin (1, 3, 5, 6, 8) 2019/2024
Music: Carl and Åsa Unander-Scharin: (4, 7) 2019
Music: Åsa Unander-Scharin (2) 2019
Åsa Unander-Scharin, choreography, music, dance, observer
Carl Unander-Scharin, music, tenor, throat
Amanda Flodin, alto
Karl-Peter Eriksson, baritone
Hans Davidsson, baroque organ
Gusten Aldenklint, Ljudhavet
Magnus Lorentzson, light design
The Observer system and The Throat system are developed by Åsa Unander-Scharin, Carl Unander-Scharin and Ludvig Elblaus. In the systems, recordings by Åsa Unander-Scharin (viola da gamba), Carl Unander-Scharin (harpsichord), Dorota Siuda (violin) and Hans Davidsson (organ), are heard.
- I. Människan, askans konung, tenor and organ
- II. Doris landi, dancer, observer
- III. Själv har jag inget namn, Passacaglia, tenor and organ
- IV. Den livligt sprattlande ingivelsen, tenor, throat, dancer, observer
- V. Jag ska berätta vad jag hört om glas, tenor and organ
- VI. Spjutet, Toccata, dancer and organ
- VII. Osynlig för vårt öga gled hon undan, tenor, throat, organ, dancer, observer
- VIII. Det finns skydd för nästan allt, alto, tenor, baryton, organ
Matthias Weckman (?1616–1674)
Weine nicht, es hat überwunden der Löwe von Stamm Juda
Sacred concerto from the year 1663 when the plague descended on Hamburg
Amanda Flodin, alto
Carl Unander-Scharin, tenor
Karl-Peter Eriksson, bass
Hans Davidsson, organ
Gabriel Davidsson, dance
Davidsson Organ and Dance Collaborative
During the spring of 2019, we began to create a new work based on Harry Martinson’s long suite of poems, “Aniara”. In 1956, Swedish poet Harry Martinson (1904–1978) wrote and published his epic poetry suite depicting a spaceship that has lost its course after leaving an earth devastated by war and environmental disaster. His audience was surprised to read this new kind of poetry by their beloved and quite rurally oriented poet. The poems formed the basis for the opera Aniara (1959), with a libretto by Erik Lindegren and music by Karl-Birger Blomdahl. The opera was a huge success and toured internationally.
In our adaptation of Aniara, we chose the poems that depict the female pilot Isagel. We wanted to find a way of picturing her relation to the work’s narrator Mimaroben: a relation that is full of mutual respect and fascination for deep scientific thought, as well as shared abhorrence for the cold, dark and lonely space outside of the ship. They also share concerns for the remaining few humans and their hopeless future in the vessel.
The music is composed for tenor and organ, as well as the combination of Observer-system and dance that we have developed for our artistic work. In our version of Aniara, the church organ is a metaphor for the Mima (the artificially intelligent ship’s computer), whereas the Observer system is a metaphor for the “Gopta-table” where Isagel carries out her work with the “Jender curves”. Today we would probably equate those things with touchscreens and machine code. We also make use of another of our own systems, “The Throat”, in order to dynamically change and extend the voice of the singer.
Furthermore, the music material is based on an “astronomic tone series”: a series of tones that are derived from the astronomic numbers that can be discerned in Martinson’s poem. Martinson tells us that Aniara is headed for the Lyrae, far away. In 2015 – many years after Martinson´s death – it was confirmed by Nasa that the planet Kepler 438 b in the Lyrae has an ESI (Earth similarity index) that is -0.88. This means that this planet, in fact, is the one with the closest similarity to Earth of all known planets yet. The Lyrae is 25.05 light years away from the Earth – and this number, together with other astronomic numbers, forms the basis for the tonal series used in the work.
In collaboration with GAS (Gothenburg Art Sounds) and the Parish of Örgryte
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Friday October 11–Sunday October 13
(Separate programme for registered participants)
Göteborg Concert Hall, Academy of Music and Drama, Vasa Church
Göteborg Youth Organ Weekend (15–22 years old)
In collaboration with the Academy of Music and Drama, Hjo Folkhögskola, Sensus, OrganSpace and others.
German Church, Haga Church, Vasa Church
(Admission free)
ECHO Marathon Concert
European Organ Journey
Marathon Concert with 32 organists from 17 European organ cities, members of the association European Cities of Historical Organs (ECHO), including:
- Alkmaar, The Netherlands
- Altenburg, Germany
- Brussels, Belgium
- Freiberg, Germany
- Fribourg, Switzerland
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- Granada, Spain
- Innsbruck, Austria
- Leufstabruk, Sweden
- Leuven, Belgium
- Mafra, Portugal
- Olkusz, Poland
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Tangermünde, Germany
- Toulouse, France
- Treviso, Italy
- Trondheim, Norway
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
(Admission free)
Organ-building workshops (all ages, drop in)
(Admission free)
Young Organist Organ Journey
Göteborg Youth Organ Festival
(Admission free)
The Journey between Heaven and Earth
Indra Riše (b. 1961)
Procession with Bells (2019)
Ligita Sneibe, organ
Judith Bingham (b. 1962)
Heaven and Earth (2019)
Johannes Skoog and Ligita Sneibe, organ
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 662
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 664
Johannes Skoog, organ
Carl Unander-Scharin (b. 1964)
Suite Processionis (2021)
- I. Toccata processionis I (Vita segel över fjärden/Möja Västerfjärd)
- II. Decima processionis (A la Mathématique/Reaktorhallen)
- III. Aria processionis I (Havsörn lyfter från kummel/Smörasken, Älgharskobbarna)
- IV. Air tout de Suite (Luftdans/Östermalmstorg)
- V. Aria processionis II (Vårnattens mystik/Horsäng)
- VI. Inventio processionis (...myrstack enligt dröm...)
- VII. Barcarole processionis (Över stilla vatten i kajaken/Estkobbarna)
- VIII. Decima processionis (A la Mathématique) Reprise
- IX. Toccata processionis II (Staccatofåglar i viken/Röder)
Åsa Unander-Scharin, choreography and dance
Arina Trostyanetskaya, dance
Johannes Skoog, organ
Ligita Sneibe, organ
This suite for two organs and two dancers was commissioned by Johan Hammarström for Västerås Cathedral in 2020 and given its first performance in 2023 in Storkyrkan, the Cathedral in Stockholm. An overarching idea of “movement in the room” guided the compositional work, as did the idea that the work should and could be performed with dance.
In collaboration with the choreographer Åsa Unander-Scharin, I sketched the grounds for the suite, also using a numerological series suggested by Åsa, as fundamental material for one of the movements Á la Mathématique. The suite has nine movements, one of which is repeated.
The subtitles show what the movement idea was, often the memory of a place, from which I started composing. The sixth movement, ...anthill according to a dream… is, as the title suggests, based on a piece of music that I heard in a dream and then notated when I woke up.
– Carl Unander–Scharin
(Admission free)
The Seal and the Sea Turtle & The Video Installation A Fragile Hope
(Family performance)
Erland Hildén, organ and narrator
How would you feel swimming underwater completely entangled in plastic bags and other debris that snare your body, constantly blocking your path, and affecting you for the rest of your life?
This is unfortunately the daily reality for Mr. Bubble the Sea Turtle and his dear friend Speckled Maja the Seal, who are desperately trying to sound the alarm so that humans can do something about what they have caused.
They participate in an ocean meeting with all the sea creatures to find a solution to the dreadful problem, when suddenly the tuna offer to sacrifice themselves to make humans wake up. How they do this is revealed in the fairy tale.
The organ fairy tale is written by Erland Hildén (music) and Despina Moysidou (text), commissioned by Orgelkids Taiwan, and the work premiered in the summer of 2020 at their summer camp for children and youth in Taiwan.
(Admission free)
Youth Matinee
Árpád Solti, Do-organ
In collaboration with Borås Organ Festival
(Admission free)
An Improvisation Journey
Sietze de Vries, organ
In collaboration with Borås Organ Festival
(Admission free)
The Bach Family at Home
Joel Speerstra, clavichord
The instrument used in the concert this evening is a copy of the 1766
C. G. Friederici clavichord in the Leipzig Musical Instrument Museum built by Speerstra and Per-Anders Terning in 2012. Friederici was a favorite instrument-builder of the Bach family.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Chromatic Fantasy, BWV 903
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788)
Abschied von meinem Silbermannischen Claviere in einem Rondo, Wq 66 (1781)
Fantasia in F sharp minor, Wq 67 (1787)
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710–1784)
from 12 Polonaises, F. 12
- Polonaise no. 2 in C minor
- Polonaise no. 5 in E flat major
- Polonaise no. 8 in E minor
- Polonaise no. 9 in F major
J. S. Bach
Chaconne from the Violin partita in D minor, BWV 1004 in an arrangement for clavichord by Edoardo Bellotti
In collaboration with Borås Organ Festival
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Friday October 11–Sunday October 13
(Separate programme for registered participants)
Göteborg Concert Hall, Academy of Music and Drama, Vasa Church
Göteborg Youth Organ Weekend (15–22 years old)
In collaboration with the Academy of Music and Drama, Hjo Folkhögskola, Sensus, OrganSpace and others.
Göteborg Concert Hall, Stenhammarsalen
(For registered participants only)
ECHO Symposium
Representatives of ECHO and the GIOA corrosion research team, including Jan-Erik Svensson (Chalmers University of Technology), Carl Johan Bergsten, Koos van de Linde, Paul Peeters, and Alf Åslund (all GIOA).
Paul Peeters, moderator
Case study corrosion in organ pipes:
What are the noticeable and foreseeable climate consequences in your city and region?
The status of research in the field of corrosion in organ pipes:
What is the situation in your city and region pertaining to corrosion in organ pipes?
(Admission free)
Solemn High Mass, organ and liturgy
Erland Hildén, organ
Jonathan Andersson, celebrant
A Mass for Organ, dedicated to Jonathan Andersson, and another work, Sparkling Intensity, both works composed by Erland Hildén for the baroque organ in Örgryte New Church, will be performed integrated in the liturgy of the Solemn High Mass.
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
(Admission free)
Chercheurs d’orgues, a movie by Bernard Foccroulle
Bernard Foccroulle, introduction
Travel through time in this fascinating musical saga. Tracing the history of the organ, this documentary goes in search of Europe’s most extraordinary instruments, from Baroque jewels with electronic keyboards, to the twins in the Spanish church of Lerma, to the wooden masterpiece in Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark, to the venerable models in the French Cavaillé-Coll factory. With musical interludes, organists and organ builders provide fascinating insights into the construction, evolution, and diversity of these powerful and complex instruments.
(Family performance)
More info: Dancing Through History: A Swedish Folktale – NÄCKEN
Lukas Arvidsson, reed organ
Greger Siljebo, violin
Natalie Ogonek and Gabriel Davidsson, dance
You are welcome to bring small bags to the Göteborg Concert Hall with maximum dimensions of 21 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm. This size limit applies to all types of bags, totes, and carriers. Larger bags are not allowed, and the Göteborg Concert Hall does not offer storage for larger bags in their coatrooms or lockers. Diaper bags are exempt.
Olivier Messiaen
Livre du Saint Sacrement (Book of the Holy Communion), 1984
Hans–Ola Ericsson, organ
- I. Adoro te (I adore Thee, O hidden Deity!/Jag tillber dig)
- II. La Source de Vie (The Source of Life/Livets källa)
- III. Le Dieu caché (The hidden God/Den fördolde Guden)
- IV. Acte de Foi (Act of Faith/En akt av tro)
- V. Puer natus est nobis (A child is born/Ett barn är oss fött)
- VI. La manne et le Pain de Vie (The Manna and the Bread of Life/Mannat och livets bröd)
- VII. Les ressuscités et la lumière de Vie (The Resurrected and the Light of Life/De uppståndna och livets ljus)
- VIII. Institution de l’Eucharistie (The Institution of the Eucharist/Eukaristins instiftande)
- IX. Les ténèbres (The Darkness/Mörkret)
- X. La Résurrection du Christ (The Resurrection of Christ/Kristi uppståndelse)
- XI. L’apparition du Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine (The Appearance of the Risen Christ to Mary Magdalene/Den uppståndne Kristus uppenbarar sig för Maria Magdalena)
- XII. La Transsubstantiation (The Transubstantiation/Förvandlingen)
- XIII. Les deux murailles d'eau (The Two Walls of Water/De två vattenmurarna)
- XIV. Prière avant la communion (Prayer before Communion/Bön före kommunionen)
- XV. La joie de la grâce (The Joy of Grace/Den glädje som nåden skänker)
- XVI. Prière après la communion (Prayer after Communion/Bön efter kommunionen)
- XVII. La Présence multipliée (The Presence multiplied/Den mångfaldiga Närvaron)
- XVIII. Offrande et Alleluia final (Offering and Final Alleluia/Frambärande och avslutande Halleluja)
In collaboration with Göteborg Symphony Orchestra and GAS – Göteborg Art Sounds
(Admission free)
NORTHBOUND – From Saxony to the Hanseatic Cities
The European Hansa Ensemble and Manfred Cordes
(For detailed programme see Monday, October 14, 19:30 in Örgryte New Church)
Dinner buffet for invited ECHO participants
Recorded by Sveriges Radio P2 (Swedish Radio)
Mathias Weckman 350–year Anniversary I
European Journey from north to south: Matthias Weckman and the best things from Hamburg, Lübeck, Wittenberg, Vienna, and Ljubljana
Ensemble Musica Cubicularis
Domen Marinčič, viola da gamba
Sam Chapman, theorbo
Tomaž Sevšek Šramel, organ
Matthias Weckman (?1616–1674)
Praeambulum Primi toni à 5
Sonata in D minor (originally from Lübeck) from ms. D.249 in the Bodleian Library in Oxford for bass viol and basso continuo
Matthias Weckman
Canzon dall istesso Tuono [in C]
Ignazio Albertini (c. 1644–1685)
Sonata X in E minor for bass viol and basso continuo (transcription of the original for violin)
- Adagio
- Allegro/Più presto/Adagio
- Adagio/Allegro
- Adagio/Presto
Matthias Weckman
Toccata [in a]
Johann Christoph Ziegler (1680)
Suite in A minor for bass viol (unaccompanied)
- Entrata
- Allemanda
- Corrente
- Sarabanda
- Capriccio
Matthias Weckman
Canzon [in c]
Allemanda, Couranta and Variatio in A major from a ms. in Ljubljana, dated 1692 for bass viol and basso continuo (transcription of the original for scordatura violin)
Matthias Weckman
Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
- I. Versus
- II. Versus auff 2 Clavir
- III. Versus
Dieterich Buxtehude (1637–1707)
Sonata in D major, BuxWV 268, for bass viol and basso continuo
Monday, October 14, 2024
Morning workshops
(See detailed schedule and registration)
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
9:30–11.30 & 14:00–15:30
Church musicians’ continuing education day
Improvisation Workshop and Hymn Singing in Today's Society
(See detailed schedule & registration)
Sietze de Vries, special guest
In collaboration with the Diocese of Gothenburg, Church of Sweden
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathee)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
(Admission free)
Lunch concert
(Afterwards organ soup for registered participants in the parish hall)
Dr Burney’s Continental Organ Crawl
Annette Richards, organ
John Stanley (1712–1786)
Overture: The Power of Music
Rome (and beyond)
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)
Toccata Prima (Il Secondo Libro di Toccate, 1627)
Capriccio di Durezze (Il Primo Libro di Capricci, 1624)
J. S. Bach (1685–1750)
Canzona in D minor, BWV 588
Berlin and Dresden
C. P. E. Bach (1714–1788)
Adagio in D minor, H. 352
Fugue in F major, WQ. 119/3
G. A. Homilius (1714–1785)
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, O Herr, HoWV VIII.12
Home again
John Stanley (1712-1786)
Voluntary in D minor, Op. 5 no. 8
- Allegro
- Adagio
- Allegro
Afternoon seminar
Charles Burney and 18th-century Musical Journeys
Annette Richards, presenter
Between 1770 and 1772 Charles Burney, the English music historian and musician, conducted two lengthy tours of Europe to gather materials for his great project to write a History of Music. His journeys took him to all the major, and many minor, musical centres on the Continent, where he inspected organs, explored libraries, attended the opera, and heard as much music as he possibly could. Burney met everyone on the contemporary musical scene, and recorded his observations in diaries that were quickly published as The Present State of Music in France and Italy (and, in a second volume, in the Netherlands and Germany).
This seminar explores the European musical landscape of the 18th century as it emerges from Burney’s travels, introducing this extraordinary resource for the musician and music scholar today. As we reflect on the idea of the musical journey, we will hear Burney’s words, as well as some of the music he listened to, touching, too, on the remarkable travel diaries of the organ builder Johann Andreas Silbermann, and ending with Burney’s famous encounter in Hamburg with C. P. E. Bach.
Annette Richards and Ulrika Davidsson
Road Trips: 18th-century musical travel
Edoardo Bellotti
Music on the slopes of Vesuvius: Burney in Naples
Paul Peeters
443 ¼ hours on the road: Johann Andreas Silbermann’s journey to Saxony in 1741
Joel Speerstra
Jan Ling, in the footsteps of Charles Burney
Joel Speerstra, Annette Richards, Ulrika Davidsson
Portraits, conversation, and the Silbermann clavichord: Burney in Hamburg
(For registrered participants only)
Festival reception and buffet
Örgryte Parish Hall
Folk Music and Dance
Torbjörn Näsbom, nyckelharpa
Lukas Arvidsson, violin and reed organ
NORTHBOUND – From Saxony to the Hanseatic Cities
Mathias Weckman 350-year Anniversary II
The European Hansa Ensemble and Manfred Cordes
Franziska Blömer, soprano
Sojeong Im, soprano
Kateřina Blížkovská, alto
Emanuele Petracco, tenor
Christian Beutel, bass
Nicola Benetti, organ continuo
Giulio Falzone, lute/chitarrone
Jennie-Marie Faderl, baroque violin
Agata Front, baroque violin
Magdalena Kasprzyk-Dobija, viola da gamba
Stephen Moran, viola da gamba
Johanna Randvere, viola da gamba
Bethany Chidgey, cornetto
Tamsin Cowell, cornetto
BJ Hernandez, sackbut
Emily Saville, sackbut
Christian Traute, sackbut
Music by students of Heinrich Schütz who worked as musicians in Hanseatic cities, including Matthias Weckman (Hamburg), Christoph Bernhard (Hamburg), Johann Vierdanck (Stralsund), Heinrich Albert (Königsberg), and the duchess Elisabeth (Braunschweig)
Johann Jacob Löwe (1629–1703)
Sinfonia No. 1 (1658)
Strings, wind instrument and basso continuo
Christoph Bernhard (1628–1692)
Tribularer, si nescirem (mss. Dresden and Berlin, undated)
Solo voices, strings, wind instrument, basso continuo
Johann Vierdanck (1605–1646)
Lobe den Herren, meine Seele (Geistliche Konzerte I, Greifswald 1641)
Two sopranos, alto, basso continuo
Capriccio 18
Two violins, basso continuo
Sonata 27 (Capricci, Canzonen …, Rostock 1641)
Zink, three sackbuts, basso continuo
Freue dich des Weibes deiner Jugend (Geistliche Konzerte II, Rostock 1643)
Four voices, strings and wind instruments, basso continuo
Toccata primi toni (Tablature Uppsala, reconstructed by M. Schneider) for organ
Sophie Elisabeth zu Mecklenburg (1613–1676), from 1635 Duchess of Braunschweig and Lüneburg as well as Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
Ich, der hässlich bleiche Tod
Auf, Echo, und sprich mir nach
Lobet, ihr Schwestern, Freuden-Liedlein (Neu-erfundenes Freuden-Spiel, Braunschweig 1642, printed in Wolfenbüttel 1648)
Heinrich Albert (1604–1651)
Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht (Arien und Melodeyen, Teil 7, Königsberg 1647)
Voices, strings, basso continuo
Auff und springet (polnischer Tantz, from Arien und Melodeyen, Teil 5, Königsberg 1642)
Voices and wind instruments
Christoph Bernhard
Wohl dem, der den Herren fürchtet (ms. Berlin, undated)
Soprano, bass, strings, basso continuo
Habe deine Lust an dem Herren (Geistliche Harmonien, Dresden 1665)
Soprano, alto, tenor, bass, basso continuo
Matthias Weckman (?1616–1674)
Toccata vel Praeludium primi toni
Organ solo
Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg (mss. Berlin and Dresden, undated)
Soprano, tenor, bass, strings, basso continuo
Johann Theile (1646–1724)
Die Seele Christi heilige mich (ms. Uppsala, undated)
Soprano, strings, basso continuo
Christoph Bernhard (mss. Berlin and Dresden, undated)
Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener
Voices, strings, wind instruments, basso continuo
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Chamber Music Society
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
Organ-building workshops for school classes aged 6–12
Info & reservation: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
Morning workshops
(See detailed schedule and registration)
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
Organ-building workshops for school classes aged 6–12
Info & reservation: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
(Admission free)
Lunch concert
(Afterwards organ soup for registered participants in the parish hall)
Improvising Journey Narratives
Sietze de Vries, Edoardo Bellotti, Leonard Schick and others
Afternoon seminar
Organ Journeys through World Exhibits and Archives
Anne Laver, presenter
This seminar explores the fascinating world’s fairs of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and their role in reflecting and defining organ culture in Europe and North America. From the organ exhibits by Willis, Hill, and Schulze at the Crystal Palace Exhibition in London in 1851, through the important concert series at the Trocadéro at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1878, to Guilmant’s performances at the Chicago and St. Louis expositions in 1893 and 1904, the organ was a significant component of these global events. Annette Richards, Nathan Laube, and Anne Laver will discuss how these events shaped organ building trends, virtuoso culture, and concert programming in this period.
In the second part of this seminar, Eleanor Smith-Guido, Fredrik Tobin-Dodd, and Paul Peeters will introduce the SONORA project, an initiative to digitise significant archival collections related to historical organs in Sweden. The team will share some of the wonderful stories these archives illuminate and possibilities for future research.
Refugee Journeys
Mikael Carlsson Requiem (2016)
Vocal Ensemble Lux
Musicians from the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and GöteborgsOperan
Anne Laver, organ
Ulrike Heider, conductor
In 2015, Gothenburg composer Mikael Carlsson received a commission from the Church of Sweden to write a new Requiem Mass to be premiered in the Haga Church in Gothenburg the following year. At the time, the devastating refugee crisis in Europe, particularly in the Mediterranean, had a profound impact on the composer, and it was decided that the new choral work would relate in some way to the ongoing catastrophe. While the Requiem is rooted in the Catholic liturgy for the dead, both in terms of text and the Gregorian chant melodies, each movement in the current work was given a subtitle that creates a loose narrative about a family escaping war and terror. Composed for mixed choir, string orchestra, and piano, the work premiered on November 5, 2016, and has subsequently been performed twice.
This program also features organ repertoire composed by two British composers: John Tavener (who would have turned 80 this year) and Judith Weir (who turned 70 in May).
John Tavener (1944–2013)
Judith Weir (b. 1954)
The Tree of Peace
Mikael Carlsson (b. 1971)
- I. Introit (War and Terror)
- II. Requiem aeternam (A Cry for Freedom)
- III. Kyrie (Prayer)
- IV. Dies irae (Torn Apart)
- V. Offertorium (From Us Who Survived)
- VI. Sanctus (Hope)
- VII. Agnus Dei (Sacrifice)
- VIII. Lux aeterna (Reunion)
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
Organ-building workshops for school classes aged 6–12
Info & reservation: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
Morning workshops
(See detailed schedule and registration)
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
Organ-building workshops for school classes aged 6–12
Info & reservation: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross
Edoardo Bellotti, organ
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
Organ version by Edoardo Bellotti, based on the pianoforte version (ca 1800) and the original orchestral version (1783)
- Introduzione in D minor – Maestoso ed Adagio
- Sonata I (Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt) in B-flat major – Largo
- Sonata II (Hodie mecum eris in paradiso) in C minor, ending in C major – Grave e cantabile
- Sonata III (Mulier, ecce filius tuus) in E major – Grave
- Sonata IV (Deus meus, Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me) in F minor – Largo
- Sonata V (Sitio) in A major – Adagio
- Sonata VI (Consummatum est) in G minor, ending in G major – Lento
- Sonata VII (In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum) in E-flat major – Largo
- Il terremoto (Earthquake) in C minor – Presto e con tutta la forza
(Admission free)
Lunch concert
(Afterwards organ soup for registered participants in the parish hall)
Linnéa Talp, organ
Arch of motion
to whom
it is the absence
(space is wide)
arch of motion
weaving, sounding
(I am moving)
going nowhere
there is no intention
(I am lifting my head)
is light pressure
(when you lay your hands on me)
is the shelter
(there is tension)
the void
(I am expanding)
to sense light
(I am going nowhere)
the continuation
is no separation
(it is The heart)
Linnéa Talp, text
In collaboration with GAS – Göteborg Art Sounds
(For registrered participants only)
Afternoon seminar
A Journey with the new Göteborg Concert Hall organ
Nathan Laube, presenter
This afternoon presents a unique opportunity to explore the concept and sounds of the new organ built by Rieger for the Göteborg Concert Hall (2021). Hans Davidsson, Paul Peeters, and Nathan Laube will give a brief history of concert hall organs, followed by a presentation on the background and concept of the Rieger organ in the Göteborg Concert Hall. The main focus of the seminar is an organ demonstration and lecture-recital given by Nathan Laube. Finally, the afternoon seminar ends with a panel discussion focusing on experiences with the new instrument and perspectives on future concert hall organs. The panel will include Bine Bryndorf, David Higgs, Paul Peeters, Nathan Laube, and will be moderated by Hans Davidsson.
Improvisation recital
Sietze de Vries, organ
The Dutch organist Sietze de Vries explores the new Göteborg Concert Hall organ in a musical journey through Europe encountering famous songs and themes.
You are welcome to bring small bags to the Göteborg Concert Hall with maximum dimensions of 21 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm. This size limit applies to all types of bags, totes, and carriers. Larger bags are not allowed, and the Göteborg Concert Hall does not offer storage for larger bags in their coatrooms or lockers. Diaper bags are exempt.
Vesper Music for St. Anthony of Padua by Simone Vesi, Maurizio Cazzati and Giovanni Battista Fasolo
Göteborg Baroque conducted by Magnus Kjellson, claviorgan
Kerala J. Snyder, introduction
Ingrid Berg, soprano
Dohyoa Flodin, mezzo-soprano
Daniel Carlsson, countertenor
Leif Aruhn-Solén, tenor
Jorge Navarro Colorado, tenor
Karl Peter Eriksson, bass
Fredrik From, violin
Per Buhre, violin
Hannah Tibell, violin
Marie-Louise Marming, viola
Susanne Brunström, viola
Christian Berg, cello
Dohyo Sol, lute
The music by Simone Vesi is taken from:
Messe e salmi a 6 [Opus 1] (Venice, 1641)
Motetti e salmi concerti, Opus 2 (Venice, 1648)
Salmi concertati, Opus 4 (Venice, 1656)
Salmi a 8 ariosi, Opus 6 (Venice, 1663)
Simone Vesi (1610-1667)
Domine ad adjuvandum
Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678)
Balletto detto l’Isolani
Simone Vesi
Dixit Dominus (Psalm 109)
Maurizio Cazzati
Capriccio detto il Guastavilani a 3 from Capricci per camera e per chiesa (Bologna 1669)
Simone Vesi
Beatus vir (Psalm 111)
Laudate pueri (Psalm 112)
Giovanni Battista Fasolo (1598-1664)
Ricercata Prima from Annuale, opus 8 (Venedig, 1645)
Simone Vesi
Laudate Dominum (Psalm 116)
Salve Regina
Maurizio Cazzatti
Ciaccona e Balletto in D
Simone Vesi
In collaboration with Göteborg Baroque
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Morning workshops
(See detailed schedule and registration)
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Gothenburg City Library, Auditorium
Organ-building workshops for school classes aged 6–12
Info & reservation: kersten.cottyn@svenskakyrkan.se
(Fully booked)
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Organ and orchestra concert for school classes
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
(Admission free)
Lunch concert
(Afterwards organ soup for registered participants in the parish hall)
An Italian Journey with music by Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643) and photography
Edoardo Bellotti
Romina Zanon, photography
Capriccio sopra Ut re mi fa sol la (Capricci, 1624)
Capriccio sopra Or ch’a noi rimena (Capricci, 1624)
Hor ch’a noi rimena l’alma Primavera
con sua bella schiera la stagion serena,
o giovinetti amanti intrecciate gli onori
e con soavi cori reiterate i canti.
Gli amoretti a gara fan volando intorno
partita e ritorno a sua luce cara,
spiran gli Zeffiretti quando vien fuor l’aurora
ed han ripiene ancora l’ali di bei fioretti.
Qual più mai gentile vide occhio mortale
giovinetto eguale al fiorito Aprile?
Al cui sereno viso fassi tranquillo il mare
e verdeggiando appare la terra un Paradiso.
Now that the godly Spring, with her fair company,
has restored to us the happy season,
O youthful lovers, come together in your praises
and continue your singing with sweet choruses.
Vying with one another, the cherubs fly around,
hither and thither in her precious light;
and when the dawn breaks, the sweet Zephyrs blow,
their wings still filled with fair flowers.
What mortal eye did ever see
a fairer youth than flowery April?
At whose serene gaze the sea becomes calm
and the earth in flower seems a paradise.
Bergamasca (Fiori Musicali, 1635)
Chi questa Bergamasca sonara
Non pocho imparera
Whoever plays this Bergamasca
will learn quite a bit
Girolamo Frescobaldi, text
Ave maris stella (Toccate, Libro II, 1627)
Ave maris stella,
Dei Mater alma,
Atque semper Virgo,
Felix cœli porta.
Hail, star of the sea,
bountiful mother of God
and ever Virgin,
happy gate of heaven.
Toccata Quarta (Toccate Libro II, 1627)
Crudel, acerba, inesorabil Morte,
cagion mi dai di mai non esser lieto,
ma di menar tutta mia vita in pianto,
e i giorni oscuri e le dogliose notti.
I mei gravi sospir non vanno in rime,
e 'l mio duro martir vince ogni stile.
Cruel, bitter, inexorable Death,
you give me reason never to be happy,
but to lead all my life in tears,
with days of darkness and sorrowful nights.
My heavy sighs cannot turn into rhymes,
and my harsh torment goes beyond all style.
Francesco Petrarca, text
Capriccio sopra La sol fa mi re ut (Capricci, 1624)
Afternoon seminar
Musical Crossover of Styles and Genres 1624:
Capricci, Fantasie, Ricercari – Frescobaldi, Scheidt and Steigleder
Edoardo Bellotti, presenter
This seminar will explore journeys of European keyboard and organ music in the first half of the 17th century, with particular focus on the publications of 1624 and the stylistic crossover that they embody.
Visual Art and Organ Music: Ideas for A Journey
Romina Zanon
Curious Imagination: Fantasy and Capriccio in Baroque Music and Art
Annette Richards
The Frescobaldi Collection of Capricci, 1624
Edoardo Bellotti
Samuel Scheidt´s Tabulatura Nova, 1624
Harald Vogel
Observations Concerning Steigleder’s Ricercar Tabulatura of 1624
William Porter
Emblems in Froberger´s and Frescobaldi’s music
Joel Speerstra
William Porter, Annette Richards, Joel Speerstra, Harald Vogel, Romina Zanon, panelists
Edoardo Bellotti, moderator
Vesper Music for St. Anthony of Padua by Simone Vesi, Maurizio Cazzati and Giovanni Battista Fasolo
Göteborg Baroque conducted by Magnus Kjellson, claviorgan
Ingrid Berg, soprano
Dohyoa Flodin, mezzo-soprano
Daniel Carlsson, countertenor
Leif Aruhn-Solén, tenor
Jorge Navarro Colorado, tenor
Karl Peter Eriksson, bass
Fredrik From, violin
Per Buhre, violin
Hannah Tibell, violin
Marie-Louise Marming, viola
Susanne Brunström, viola
Christian Berg, cello
Dohyo Sol, lute
The music by Simone Vesi is taken from:
Messe e salmi a 6 [Opus 1] (Venice, 1641)
Motetti e salmi concerti, Opus 2 (Venice, 1648)
Salmi concertati, Opus 4 (Venice, 1656)
Salmi a 8 ariosi, Opus 6 (Venice, 1663)
Simone Vesi (1610-1667)
Domine ad adjuvandum
Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678)
Balletto detto l’Isolani
Simone Vesi
Dixit Dominus (Psalm 109)
Maurizio Cazzati
Capriccio detto il Guastavilani a 3 from Capricci per camera e per chiesa (Bologna 1669)
Simone Vesi
Beatus vir (Psalm 111)
Laudate pueri (Psalm 112)
Giovanni Battista Fasolo (1598-1664)
Ricercata Prima from Annuale, opus 8 (Venedig, 1645)
Simone Vesi
Laudate Dominum (Psalm 116)
Salve Regina
Maurizio Cazzatti
Ciaccona e Balletto in D
Simone Vesi
In collaboration with Göteborg Baroque
Recorded by Sveriges Radio P2 (Swedish Radio)
Pilgrimage and Spiritual Journeys
Nathan Laube, organ
Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
Orpheus, Poème Symphonique, No. 4, S. 98
Transcription by Nathan Laube
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921)
Fantaisie pour Orgue, No. 3 Op. 157
Dávid Magda (b. 1984)
This work was chosen as the winning work at Müpa Budapest’s 2020 composition competition and premiered at the Béla Bartók Concert Hall by Nathan Laube.
Franz Liszt
Années de Pèlerinage – Deuxième Année – Italie
Après une lecture du Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata
Transcription by Nathan Laube
Friday, October 18, 2024
Updated time for the morning workshop with Nathan Laube.
(See detailed schedule and registration)
Morning workshops
(See detailed schedule and registration)
(Admission free)
Presentation of winning contributions to the national competition for organ fairy tales
(In Swedish)
In collaboration with the Diocese of Göteborg
(Admission free)
The organ fairy tale Noah’s Ark (in Swedish)
Pernilla Vikström, organ
Märta Kayser, narrator
(Admission free)
The organ fairy tale The Lost Organ Pipe (in Swedish)
Maria Grönhaug, organ
Cecilia Tennström, narrator
(Admission free)
(Afterwards organ soup in the German Church)
Lunch concert
Steffen Bjerre Jespersen, countertenor
Bine Bryndorf, organ
Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672)
Bringt her dem Herren
Henry Purcell (1659–1695)
Music for a While
Heinrich Schütz
Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten
Ich will den Herren loben allezeit
Dieterich Buxtehude (1637–1707)
La capricciosa
(Admission free)
Award ceremony and lunch concert for children and youth with excerpts from the winning contributions of the Organ Fairy Tale Competition
Mikael Fridén, Ulrika Melin Lasson and others, organ
Stefan Hiller, vicar
(Admission free)
The organ fairy tale Resurrection in the City (in Swedish)
Maria Löfberg, organ
Markus Leandersson, narrator
Afternoon seminar
A Journey Through the Sounds of the Unique North German Baroque Organ, and a Celebration of the 30-year Anniversary of the Göteborg International Organ Academy
Harald Vogel, presenter
This afternoon presents an opportunity to explore the concept and sounds of the North German Baroque organ built by GOArt (Arvidsson/van Eeken/Yokota) and inaugurated in 2000. Harald Vogel will guide us through the unique sounds of this instrument with William Porter at the keydesk. The significance of this instrument in relation to the music of the North German organ repertoire will be addressed, and important perspectives on the new edition of Dieterich Buxtehude’s organ music presented.
In the second part of the afternoon seminar, reflections on the journey of the Göteborg International Organ Academy (1994–2024) will be given by a panel including William Porter, Annette Richards, Kerala J. Snyder, Massimiliano Guido, Harald Vogel and Joel Speerstra, followed by a discussion of new important projects and goals for the future.
Reception for registered participants and presenters of the Göteborg International Organ Festival 2024
Celebration concert
The Hamburg Tradition
Matthias Weckman 350-years Anniversary III
Harald Vogel, moderator
Edoardo Bellotti, William Porter, Annette Richards, Joel Speerstra, organ
Jacob Praetorius (1586–1651)
Vater unser im Himmelreich
- I. Versus (Im vollen Werk/Full organ)
- II. Versus (Organ Trio)
- III. Versus (Sweelinck style)
- IV. Versus (Consort style with Cantus Firmus in the tenor)
- V. Versus (Solo in the bass with Trompet 16 in Werck)
- VI. Versus (Solo in treble with the “Registrierung des seel. Jacob Schultzen nemblich Trommete 8, Zinke 8, Nassat 3, Hohlfleute 4, Gemshorn 2”)
- VII. Versus (Im vollen Werk/Full organ)
Heinrich Scheidemann (?1595–1663)
Praeambulum ex F (Im vollen Werk/Full organ, four manuals and pedal)
Canzon ex F
Magnificat-Fantasie VIII. Toni
Matthias Weckman (?1616–1674)
Toccata [ex e]
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
Tertius Versus Consort style with Cantus Firmus in the tenor. Original registration ”Rüg:P: Principael 8. Pedahl Trompet 8...In der Orgel Trompet 16 Fuß”
Canzon [ex d]
Præambulum Primi Toni a 5 (Im vollen Werk/Full organ, four manuals and pedal)
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Festival symposium
(Admission free. Registration will be by invitation only.)
Ludo ad Alludo: Exploring Emblematic Techniques in 17th- and 18th-Century Keyboard Music
European keyboard music of the 17th and 18th centuries bears traces of games playing with multiple emblematic techniques. These techniques were used in many art forms as sources of inspiration. Is it possible to detect which techniques keyboard composers used? Did the techniques and their allusions inspire new musical solutions as the composers produced their work, and how does their discovery inspire us to change the way we perform this keyboard music today? A one-day symposium exploring the emblematics of the “serious game.”
Renée Barbre, Michael R. Dodds, Tomasz Górny, William Porter, Annette Richards, Joel Speerstra, Ruth Tatlow and Harald Vogel, presenters
Joel Speerstra, moderator
In collaboration with Jonsered Manor (University of Gothenburg) and the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
Vasa Church and Vasa Parish Hall
Symposium: Egil Hovland 100 Years (in Swedish)
In collaboration with Vasa Parish and Sveriges Kyrkosångsförbund
(Admission free)
Opening of the Egil Hovland 100 Years symposium and lunch concert
Music by Egil Hovland
(Programme to be announced)
(Admission free)
Afternoon seminar (in Swedish)
Klingande bön – klingande mässa
Ingvild Fallegård, vicar, Västra Frölunda Parish
Carl Sjögren, vicar, Mölndal Parish
Per Högberg, moderator
Monstret andas inte (The Monster does not Breathe)
Family organ and orchestra concert
Tommy Jonsson, organ
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
You are welcome to bring small bags to the Göteborg Concert Hall with maximum dimensions of 21 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm. This size limit applies to all types of bags, totes, and carriers. Larger bags are not allowed, and the Göteborg Concert Hall does not offer storage for larger bags in their coatrooms or lockers. Diaper bags are exempt.
(Admission free)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Selected works from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1
Harald Vogel, clavichord
(Admission free)
Bach and Handel
Steffen Bjerre Jespersen, countertenor
Aureliusz Golinski, baroque violin
Bine Bryndorf, organ (Pehr Schiörlin, 1783)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Sonata in G major for violin and basso continuo, BWV 1021
- Adagio
- Vivace
- Largo
- Presto
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
My Heart’s in the Highlands, composed in 2000 for alto and organ
Johann Sebastian Bach
Partita on Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn, Chorale and 7 variations
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alto aria Sei bemüht, Adagio from the Cantata Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, BWV 185
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
Trivium for Organ, composed 1976
- I
- II
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sonata in E minor for violin and basso continuo, BWV 1023
(without tempo marking)
- Adagio ma non tanto
- Allemande
- Gigue
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685–1755)
O sacred Oracle of Truths from the oratorio Belshazzar, HWV 61
- Largo un poco piano
In collaboration with Gothenburg Chamber Music Society and Jonsered Parish
Egil Hovland: Diakoni-Messe for choir, congregation, brass quartet, and organs, Op. 145
Tore Bennshagen, celebrant
Wind ensemble from the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Choir with church musicians and students
Rolf-Åke Fält & Rebecka Runeson, organ
Per Högberg, conductor
(Admission free)
Journeys to Italy
Music by Andrea & Giovanni Gabrieli, Hans Leo Hassler and others
Haga Motettkör
Amanda Flodin, alto
Ulrike Heider, Kersten Cottyn, conductors
In collaboration with the Swedish Schütz Society
The Passion of Joan of Arc
The classic silent movie with improvised music
Introduction by Timothy Scheie, University of Rochester, USA
Stephen Kennedy, baroque organ
Assisted by Edoardo Bellotti, Willis organ
William Porter, harpsichord
Vocal ensemble, Fredrik Tobin-Dodd, conductor
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Solemn High Mass: Organ and liturgy
Missa Misericordiae
Egil Hovland
Vasa Vokalensemble, Per Högberg, organ and conductor
Tove Bennshagen, celebrant
Solemn High Mass: Organ and liturgy
Music by Heinrich Schütz and others
Amanda Flodin, Magnus Kjellson
Gunnar Held, celebrant
In collaboration with Haga ParishIn collaboration with Haga Parish
Organ recital
A Journey through Three Centuries, including Charles-Marie Widor’s Organ Symphony No. VI
David Higgs, organ
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Sinfonia (Cantata 29) transcribed for organ solo by Marcel Dupré (1886–1971)
William Bolcom (b. 1938)
Gospel Preludes:
What a Friend We Have in Jesus! (1979)
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873–1943)
Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 3, no. 2 transcribed for organ by Louis Vierne (1870–1937)
Leo Sowerby (1895–1968)
Comes Autumn Time (inspired by the poem Autumn by Bliss Carman)
Elsa Barraine (1910–1999)
2ème Prélude (Psaume de David CXVI)
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937)
Symphonie VI, Opus 42
- Allegro
- Adagio
- Intermezzo
- Cantabile
- Finale
In collaboration with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
You are welcome to bring small bags to the Göteborg Concert Hall with maximum dimensions of 21 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm. This size limit applies to all types of bags, totes, and carriers. Larger bags are not allowed, and the Göteborg Concert Hall does not offer storage for larger bags in their coatrooms or lockers. Diaper bags are exempt.
Music by Klaus Lang and Lisa Streich
Lisa Streich (b. 1985)
Johan Stern, cello
Hans Davidsson, organ
Klaus Lang (b. 1971)
Gageego!, and others
Klaus Lang, organ
Anders Jonhäll, flute
Ragnar Arnberg, clarinet
Jonas Larsson, percussion
Klara Hellgren, violin
Manon Briau, viola
Johan Stern, cello
Mark Tatlow, conductor
In collaboration with Gageego!
A World of Tactile Passion and New Sounds - for All!
© 2023 Göteborg International Organ Festival & Göteborg International Organ Academy