• The Schiörlin Academy

    August 9-13, 2025

    Welcome to the Schiörlin Academy 2025

    where the focal point is the unique collection of eighteenth-century organs built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815)

    broken image
    Close-up of the façade of the Isac Risberg (1707–1710) sub-semitone, mean-tone organ in Tjällmo Church.
    Photo: David Löfgren.


    The Schiörlin Academy 2025 will focus on Johann Sebastian Bach, hymn playing, and basso continuo.


    Masterclasses (organ and clavichord), individual practice, and rehearsals at the instruments, etc.

    In 2025, we will place special attention on the Orgelbüchlein Chorales and Trio Sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, as well as the Six Sonatas by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.


    Hans Davidsson (HD)

    Ulrika Davidsson (UD)

    David Löfgren (DL)


    Apply by sending an email to camille.bloche@organacademy.se no later than July 29, 2025, with the following information:

    * First name and surname

    * Phone number

    * Present occupation

    * Which repertoire you will prepare


    The Schiörlin Academy is limited to ten participants. Only active participants will be considered for acceptance. It aims to be an inspirational event for organ students and professional organists. Accordingly, we are unfortunately unable to accept all applications.


    3,000 SEK


    Food and accommodation are to be provided by each participant respectively. Free overnight accommodation can be offered on mattress pads at Gammalkil Parish House.


    * Daily workshops featuring organ works chosen by the participants on the Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil (1806).

    * Excursions to the Schiörlin organs in Slaka (1783), Vikingstad (1785), Östra Skrukeby (1794), the Risberg organ in Tjällmo (1710), and the Wistenius organ in Vårdsberg (1762).

    * Scheduled practice time on the organ in Gammalkil and related keyboard instruments in the parish hall.

    * Participants’ concert in Gammalkil.


    The Schiörlin Academy is organized by FGIOA in close collaboration with Slaka-Nykils pastorat, Vikingstads pastorat, and the diocese of Linköping.


    1. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Intro - Stop tour - Trio registration

    Conversation held in English

    2. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Pleno registrations

    Conversation held in English

    3. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Mendelssohn

    Conversation held in English

    4. Meet Hans Davidsson, who invites us to an interpretation of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's sonata for organ No 6 in D major, op. 65, at the Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil.

    Conversation held in English

    5. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Intro - Stop tour - Trio registration

    Conversation held in English















  • The Schiörlin Academy

    August 11-14, 2024


    Welcome to the Schiörlin Academy 2024

    where the focal point is the unique collection of eighteenth-century organs built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815)

    broken image

    Closeup of the console of the Pehr Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil (1806)





    August 11-14, 2024

    Focusing on the unique collection of eighteenth-century organs built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815)



    Masterclasses (organ and clavichord), individual practice, and rehearsal at the instruments, etc. German organ repertoire from the 18th and early 19th centuries (Bach, Krebs, Müthel, Mendelssohn, Brahms, etc.)



    Hans Davidsson (HD)

    Ulrika Davidsson (UD)

    David Löfgren (DL)



    Apply by sending an email to camille.bloche@organacademy.se no later than July 29, 2024, with the following information:


    * First name and surname

    * Phone number

    * Present occupation

    * Which repertoire you will prepare



    The Schiörlin Academy is limited to ten participants. Only active participants will be considered for acceptance. It aims to be an inspirational event for organ students and professional organists. Accordingly, we are unfortunately unable to accept all applications.



    3,000 SEK



    Food and accommodation are to be provided by each participant respectively. Free overnight accommodation can be offered on mattress pads at Gammalkil Parish House.



    * Daily workshops featuring organ works chosen by the participants on the Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil (1806).

    * Excursions to the Schiörlin organs in Slaka (1783), Vikingstad (1785), Östra Skrukeby (1794), the Risberg organ in Tjällmo (1710), and the Wistenius organ in Vårdsberg (1762).

    * Scheduled practice time on the organ in Gammalkil and related keyboard instruments in the parish hall.

    * Participants’ concert in Gammalkil.



    The Schiörlin Academy is organized by FGIOA in close collaboration with Slaka-Nykils pastorat, Vikingstads pastorat, and the diocese of Linköping.



    1. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Intro - Stop tour - Trio registration

    Conversation held in English

    2. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Pleno registrations

    Conversation held in English

    3. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Mendelssohn

    Conversation held in English

    4. Meet Hans Davidsson, who invites us to an interpretation of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's sonata for organ No 6 in D major, op. 65, at the Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil.

    Conversation held in English

    5. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Intro - Stop tour - Trio registration

    Conversation held in English















  • broken image

    The Schiörlin Academy

    August 12-15, 2023

    August 12-15, 2023
    Welcome to the Schiörlin Academy 2023 where the point of departure is the unique collection of eighteenth-century organs built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815).

    Masterclasses (organ and clavichord), individual practice and rehearsal at the instruments etc. German organ repertory from 18th and early 19th century (Bach, Krebs, Müthel, Mendelssohn, Brahms etc.)

    Hans Davidsson (HD)
    Ulrika Davidsson (UD)
    David Löfgren (DL)

    Apply by sending an e-mail to camille.bloche@organacademy.se no later than August 1, 2023 with the following information:

    1. First name and surname
    2. Phone number
    3. Present occupation
    4. Which repertoire you will prepare
    The teaching during the academy is free of charge. Admission is restricted to 10 participants.

    Food and accommodation are provided by each participant respectively. Free overnight accommodation can be offered on mattress pads in Gammalkil Parish House.

    2022-08-12 SATURDAY
    13:00-13:30 Accommodation
    13:30-15:30 Workshop Gammalkil kyrka/Gammalkil Parish House (HD/UD)
    15.45-16.45 Clavichord workshop (UD)
    16:45-18:00 Paus
    18:00-19:00 Organ Concert Gammalkil Church (Martin Frodlund, David Löfgren och Mathias Lundqvist)

    2022-08-13 SUNDAY
    08.30-10.30 Workshop Gammalkil Church (HD)
    11.00-12:00 Church service
    12:00-13:00 Lunch
    13:15-14:45 Workshop Improvisation Slaka Church (DL)
    15.15-16.15 Workshop Clavichord Gammalkil Parish House (UD) 16:30-18:30 Dinner prepared and offered by the parish 18:30-19:00 Introduction to the concert by Hans Davidsson 19:00-20:00 Organ Recital Gammalkil Church (Hans Davidsson)

    2022-08-14 MONDAY
    09:00-17:00 Two groups: Workshop in Gammalkil Church and Excursion to Vårdsberg Church and Östra Skrukeby Church
    17.30-18.30 Dinner
    19:00-20:00 Clavichord Recital Nykil Church (Ulrika Davidsson)

    2022-08-15 TUESDAY
    09:00-12:00 Workshop Gammalkil kyrka/Gammalkil Parish House (HD/UD)
    12:00-13:00 Lunch
    13:00-18:00 Practice time
    18:00-19:00 Participant’s Concert Gammalkil Church

    The Schiörlin Academy is organized by FGIOA in close collaboration with Slaka- Nykils pastorat, Vikingstads pastorat and the diocese of Linköping.

    The 2022 Schiörlin Academy

  • 1. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Intro - Stop tour - Trio registration

    Conversation held in English

    2. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Pleno registrations

    Conversation held in English

    3. Hans Davidsson presenting the 1806 Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil - Mendelssohn

    Conversation held in English

    4. Meet Hans Davidsson, who invites us to an interpretation of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's sonata for organ No 6 in D major, op. 65, at the Schiörlin organ in Gammalkil.

    Conversation held in English

    5. Walkthrough presentation of the organ by Hans Davidsson, Artistic Director, Göteborg International Organ Academy

    Conversation held in Swedish

  • broken image

    The Schiörlin Academy

    August 13-17, 2022

  • Welcome to the Schiörlin Academy 2022, which is based on the unique Ostrogothia organ landscape with instruments built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815).

    Workshops (organ repertoire and liturgical organ playing, clavichord playing), individual practice and preparation of instruments, etc. German organ repertoire from the 18th and early 19th centuries (Bach, Krebs, Müthel, Mendelssohn, Brahms and others)

    Hans Davidsson (HD)
    Ulrika Davidsson (UD)
    David Löfgren (DL)
    Lars Storm (LS)

    Sign up to send an e-mail to lars.storm@organacademy.se (no later than August 5, 2022) with the following information:
    1. Full name
    2. Mobile number
    3. Current occupation
    4. The repertoire you will prepare

    Teaching during the academy is free of charge. The number of course participants is limited to 10.

    Each course participant is responsible for their own meals and accommodation. Free overnight stay on a bed mattress in the Gammalkil parish house can be offered.

    SATURDAY AUGUST 13, 2022

    13:00-13:30 Accommodation in the Gammalkil parish house

    13:30-16:00 Workshop at Gammalkil church (HD)

    16:00-18:00 Break

    18:00-19:00 Organ concert at Gammalkil church (Martin Frodlund, Anders Krantz, David Löfgren)

    SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2022

    08:30-10:30 Workshop at Gammalkil church (HD)

    11:00-12:00 High Mass at Slaka church (LS)

    12:00-13:00 Lunch

    13:00-17:00 Workshop at Slaka church (LS)

    18:00-19:00 Organ concert at Östra Skrukeby church (Camille Bloche)

    MONDAY AUGUST 15, 2022

    09:00-12:00 Workshop at Vikingstad church (HD)

    12:00-13:00 Lunch

    13:00-17:00 Workshop at Gammalkil church (DL)

    18:00-19:00 Organ concert at Vikingstad church (HD, LS)

    TUESDAY AUGUST 16, 2022

    09:00-12:00 Workshop at Gammalkil church / Gammalkil parish house (HD / UD)

    12:00-13:00 Lunch

    13:00-17:00 Workshop at Gammalkil church (HD)

    18:00-19:00 Clavichord concert at Gammalkil church (UD)


    09:00-12:00 Workshop at Gammalkil church / Gammalkil parish house (HD / UD)

    12:00-13:00 Lunch

    13:00-18:00 Practice time

    18:00-19:00 Participants' concert at Gammalkil church


    The Schiörlin Academy is organized by FGIOA in collaboration with Slaka-Nykil parish, Vikingstad parish and the diocese of Linköping.

  • The Schiörlin Academy August 16-18, 2020

    Welcome to the Schiörlin Academy 2020 where the point of departure is the unique collection of eighteenth-century organs built by Pehr Schiörlin (1736-1815) in the parish of Gammalkil and Slaka (diocese of Linköping).